About Total Web Solutions

Total Web Solutions has been providing business critical Internet services since it was established in 1995.


About Us

The company provides shared and managed hosting solutions for the Internet and Intranet requirements of businesses of all sizes. Services also include domain name registration, email, e-commerce, broadband and database solutions.

The company is an ICANN accredited domain registrar, which means we are one of the few providers to be able to offer domain names direct. Total Web Solutions is also one of the few companies to have a direct clearing Bank relationship and offer customers online, real-time, credit card transaction capabilities.

Total Web Solutions customers include...

Total Web Solutions provides bespoke hosting solutions and technical sales personnel take on the important task of understanding customer objectives before proposing suitable solutions.


Core Values

We are members of...


SEP 2023 SEP 2023 We are pleased to announce that Total Web Solutions has been issued with a PCI DSS 3.2.1 Certificate of Compliance. Click here to view the latest certificate. Link here
OCT 2021 OCT 2020 We are pleased to announce that Total Web Solutions has been issued with a PCI DSS 3.2.1 Certificate of Compliance. Click here to view the latest certificate. Link here
SEPT 2020 SEP 2020 We are pleased to announce that Total Web Solutions has been issued with a PCI DSS 3.2.1 Certificate of Compliance. Click here to view the latest certificate. Link here
SEPT 2019 SEP 2019 We are pleased to announce that Total Web Solutions has been issued with a PCI DSS 3.2.1 Certificate of Compliance. Click here to view the latest certificate. Link here
JULY 2019 Total Web Solutions has now been an ICANN Accredited Domain Registrar for 20 years! When looking to register Domain Names you need a company you can trust to deliver excellent service and support. Our knowledge and experience in this field means you can be sure your domains are safe with us. Check and register domains. Link here
JULY 2019 We are proud to announce that we have been awarded a place on the prestigious G-Cloud 11 procurement framework. Our Cloud hosting platform is available for any organization operating within the public sector. See our Cloud hosting packages. Link here

Code Of Practice

The Code of Practice can be downloaded here
Click here to download the Code of Practice (PDF Format)

Terms and Conditions

Our terms and conditions can be downloaded here
Click here to download the Terms and Conditions (PDF Format)

Acceptable Usage Policy

The Acceptable Usage Policy can be downloaded here
Click here to download the Acceptable Usage Policy (PDF Format)

Customer Service Level

If you need to contact us then you should use the secure ticketing system located in your control panel.

This reduces the security checks we have to perform to ensure the authenticity of your request and so will speed up the reply to your query.

Should you not have access to your control panel then you can use the contact form located here. We may have to perform additional security checks before we can deal with your enquiry, and this can slow down our response.

In all instances we will acknowlege receipt of your query within one working day. If the nature of your enquiry is straightforward we aim to provide a resolution to your query within one working day from when we acknowledge receipt of your initial enquiry.

In some instances we may require further information to assist us in resolving your enquiry. For more complex enquiries we may need more time to investigate but we will let you know if this is the case.

Please refrain from submitting multiple requests for the same query, as this can impede our response times. If you wish to provide us with additional information to your initial query, then this acceptable.